Monday, 16 June 2014

Spectacular Shiten “Seaside Special” Show Silences Sceptic Storey

Sometimes you just gotta love it when a “plan comes together” and last weekend was a case in point. With short notice bad planning and a lot of “winging it” (and that was just Simon’s wardrobe malfunctions!) the Shiten Subs managed to produce a cohesive and thought provoking display. No doubt on his journey* to the event “Baldylocks” was wondering how shiten our efforts would be but for once we left him speechless – not easy for a Scouser!

Classy ceramics, sexy scrolls, lovely landscapes and attractive accents adorned our corner of the exhibition (all aboard the vomit comet!) only to be occasionally interrupted by our ugly mugs and of course Les! We were told how refreshing our outlook and display looked and was complimented by some smashing (and very well behaved) Suiseki on display from a member of the Kent Club. Many visitors to the show found it very interesting how many aspects there was to this great hobby of ours rather than “just” sticks in pots. Unfortunately, after speaking to us they left more confused than before they arrived! 

Here's a selection of what we had to offer!

On a more serious, and worrying note, it seems that our wonderful Society has be infiltrated by a member of BOBO (or should that be D’oh, D’oh?) although from what we understand from internet chatter he is in the process of being expelled or exorcised. This is an unprecedented chain of events and at this time of heighten tension the Committee will be taking a look at the membership criteria – watch this space! 

(*Notice how our illustrious leader managed to duck out of the hard work?)

Friday, 6 June 2014

Second String Shiten Supporters Surprise Seaside Show

Due to a clash in Show dates the Maidstone Bonsai Society were unable to take up their annual invitation to exhibit at Nick Pearce’s Azalea and Kent Bonsai Show on the weekend of the 14th & 15th of June. Ever the resourceful, or, that desperate for a sale and some promotion, Stone(d) Monkey Ceramics and SUTEKI! agreed to fill the void with a show of their Ceramics and Accent plantings.

At first the Shiten Committee were concerned about these two amateurs “flying solo” and not being under the wing of Mother Hen (aka the Chairman) Les but they assured us that they would not hold the Club, or the art of Bonsai, in disrepute. Time will tell but let’s hope that these two whipper snappers haven’t bitten off more than they can chew and show our popular Club in a bad light.

Gentlemen you have been warned!