Thursday, 3 November 2016

Shiten Pouge’s Gallery Pt.9

Name: Les Storey
AKA: Grandpa/Grown Up Baby
Position: Shiten Founder & First Aider
Status: Being Sarcastic
Claim to Fame: Cupping Ian St John's “luv spuds” & carrying Pele off in the World Cup 1966

Les’s Ferry cross the Mersey was torpedoed by the WBS and he was found years later washed up on the banks of the Medway.  Nursed back to health by the daft-side of the MBS his influence grew and soon became the spiritual leader of the Brotherhood of Shites.  What followed was the immaculate conception of the SBS firstly waging Holy war against Bonsai terrorist Abu Hands-free and then becoming a beacon of light to the infirm and confused.  The rest, as they say, is hysterectomy!